I care to maintain civility.
Still, she would maintain her dignity, and civility.
The arrangements that couples make in order to maintain civility in the midst of their journey to divorce are often most elaborate when the professed top priority is to protect a child.
By imposing a test of religious loyalty now, Bishop Maher threatens the truce of tolerance by which Americans maintain civility and enlarge religious liberty.
Thomas Hobbes underlined the need of a powerful state to maintain civility in society.
He also struggles to maintain civility with Jackie and manage his career.
And by grimly maintaining civility and mutual respect, you could detoxify the natural party split.
They manage to maintain civility in public and have even met over dinner on occasion.
Such a forceful response to spam is part of the long twilight struggle to maintain civility in the on-line community.
"The continual presence of police cars and maintenance vehicles is required to maintain civility during significant portions of the day and night," the report said.