The electron flavor content of the neutrino will then continue to oscillate as long as the quantum mechanical state maintains coherence.
In battle it was diffi- cult for human technologies to maintain coherence.
That is all the more reason for the West to maintain coherence as it watches, with only marginal ability to influence developments.
His improvised lines tend to be harmonically and rhythmically convoluted while maintaining melodic coherence.
A superradiant laser is a laser that does not rely on a large population of photons within the laser cavity to maintain coherence.
That so many of its Toccoa officers were on the 506th regimental or 2nd Battalion staff helped Easy to maintain coherence.
While most of his speech had been jumbled, he'd maintained coherence for several isolated sentences.
Durkheim was concerned primarily with how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the modern era.
Coherent waves must be generated at the source (synchrotron, field emitter, etc.) and must maintain coherence until diffraction.
The rest, after straining to maintain coherence, broke off and fell tumbling away into the darkness below.