The Bureau maintained courts in the South from 1865 to 1868 to adjudicate minor civil and criminal cases involving freed slaves.
In the towns, Wartislaw maintained small courts.
Although not recognised by any other country, it maintained its own currency, passports, police force, courts, state flag and state hymn.
Each city is independent and has the powers and responsibilities of a county, including maintaining courts, schools, and a sheriff.
The key to maintaining Tribal courts is providing adequate funding.
The requirement of maintaining courts to provide legal recourse.
They made their dissatisfaction heard, maintaining clandestine courts, and even restore the pre-colonial traditional authorities.
Saudi Arabia maintains religious courts for all aspects of law and has religious police to maintain social compliance.
Wicomico County maintains recreational fields and courts at each of the county schools.
The kingship is not hereditary and the King and Queen maintain separate courts.