It maintains utmost discretion.
Mr. Cheney has maintained almost total discretion about his dealings with the president, keeping secret even from his senior staff the topics of his regular lunches with Mr. Bush.
Most didn't pan out, but you don't need any special resources to be a banking power, especially if you're willing to buck the bully tactics of the US and the EU and maintain absolute discretion about your customers.
Ergo, I maintained discretion.
This is usually done via an intermediary matchmaker who has a social reputation for maintaining discretion and brokering successful weddings.
Further, she could trust the centurion to maintain discretion with regards to their surreptitious relationship, and the advantages to be gained by keeping his silence on the matter.
In return for that amount,'y'Pripio went on,'we would expect you to maintain total discretion and loyalty for the duration if the contract.
He and Bakhita had always maintained the greatest secrecy and discretion in their relationship.
In fact, local soviets, political organizations mostly of socialists, often maintained discretion when deciding whether or not to implement the Provisional Government's laws.
But maintain discretion, even at this stage.