It maintained the number-one position for four weeks.
In the French Physical Top 50 the song maintained within the top twenty for many weeks.
You really, really have to maintain your concentration for two long weeks there.
Complete infertility was maintained for 2 weeks, followed by complete recovery in 4 of 7 rats.
The cast is usually maintained for about 6 weeks.
Radio communication was maintained for 3 weeks then broke off.
It maintained the top position for two weeks and spent 18 weeks on the chart.
The next week, it rose to number one following a surge in airplay, where it maintained that position for 16 consecutive weeks.
This intra-tumoral level was maintained for at least 2 weeks and is 2-3 times higher than the plasma level.
On 10 November 2007 the single reached number 49 in Greece, a position it maintained for two weeks.