In an effort to maintain complete impartiality, I have assigned a different captain to each item on the agenda.
This must be avoided, whatever the cost" reiterating emphatically the need to maintain judicial integrity and impartiality at all costs.
In order to obtain conscientiousness, it is important to maintain impartiality, sobriety, and courage.
BBC officials said the decision stemmed from a policy of maintaining impartiality in the dispute.
Judge Ledue was maintaining strict impartiality, as befitted his judicial position.
But it promised to maintain impartiality in carrying out its intermediary role in seeing the territory to independence.
The civil service is expected to maintain political impartiality in its work, and some parts of it are entirely independent of Government decision making.
While providing this assistance, he maintains his independence, impartiality and neutrality.
He shall try to maintain objectivity and impartiality towards one and all.
With regard to the internal political situation in these two countries, the Council considers that the mission should maintain its independence, impartiality and neutrality.