Many people have trouble maintaining basic hygiene or order in their homes.
I want no councillor to travel the city without guards, and a greater security must be maintained in our homes and our places of work.
Their mission is 'To help people to maintain independence and dignity in their homes and communities, particularly in later life.'
This was a later addition - as people, pressured by modern ways of living, found it difficult to maintain Naga shrines in their homes, the idols were transferred to the temple.
Coleman actively built and maintained miniature railroads in his homes in several states.
The mission of AoA is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of home and community-based services that helps elderly individuals maintain their health and independence in their homes and communities.
Chitpavans who migrated to Goa and the Dakshin Kannada district of Karnataka about 300 years ago have still maintained Chitpavani language in their homes.
Thus the Hottentots and the Abyssinians have maintained themselves in their respective homes without change ever since their existence has been known to us, even though their number is less than that of our pure black population.
Both Santo Domingo and Santiago have smog, resulting from mass transit using obsolete vehicles, increased energy consumption, and the abundance of private generators that people maintain in their homes and businesses because of the frequent power failures of the public electricity systems.
AoA, through the Older Americans Act and other legislation, supports programs that help older adults maintain their independence and dignity in their homes and communities.