We want to maintain the crusading spirit but in the form of a more traditional political campaign.
The record of these leadership changes are still maintained in the form of published letters of counsel.
Japan reiterated that it will maintain its exchanges with Taiwan in the form of a private and regional nature.
The TMS maintain the records in the form of a dependency network.
People usually married within their own clan, and the caste system was thus maintained in the same hereditary form as in most other parts of India.
Statutory liquidity ratio refers to the amount that the commercial banks require to maintain in the form of gold or govt.
Each node in the network maintains data in the form of two lists to capture routing information:
Apart from the CRR, banks are required to maintain liquid assets in the form of gold, cash and approved securities.
Banner again achieved a state in which he could control his transformations and maintain his normal personality and intelligence while in the form of the Hulk.
He maintained a permanent and restless activity, including manual or advisory tasks way beyond his ecclesiastical training, especially in the form of building and social development.