The basis for the rule against bias is the need to maintain public confidence in the legal system.
The basis on which impartiality operates is the need to maintain public confidence in the legal system.
It is the most important leaders who try to maintain balance in the Albanian legal system.
Despite this, the policy keeps inflation low, encourages foreign investment, and maintains the currency's role in the global financial system.
Because we need to maintain continuity in the system.
People knew they were going to lose money, but what was important was to maintain confidence in the system.
States must rely ultimately on their own resources and must strive to maintain their power positions in the system, even at high economic costs.
The compromise that was reached thus takes account both of investor protection and of the need to maintain confidence in the financial system.
How can order be maintained in the global political system?
The party in this view is incapable of reform because it will ineluctably seek to maintain its role in the system.