Often with very long handles, to maintain enough leverage when working in a deep vessel, far away from the hand rest.
This was the Redskins' plan: Pressure Harbaugh relentlessly, maintain leverage in field position and use the posse to break the game open.
While parties always seek to maintain political leverage, the local environment provides the human capital with which to mobilize those demands.
You have to maintain leverage on him, because you're not going to overpower him.
The 6-foot-3-inch Logan speaks of keeping a low center of gravity, of sustaining his blocks, of maintaining leverage.
We need to gain scale approaching Time Inc. to maintain leverage with all those entities.
But Mr. Wolfowitz also said that the world must make good on its promises of economic assistance if it wants to maintain leverage over warlords.
He teaches the tight ends to keep their hands close, to get into the body of the defender, to maintain leverage and balance.
(He did, however, know who and where her real parents were to maintain potential leverage.)
Waage gave sworn evidence that she was unaware of his illegal activities and stated that the Mexican authorities held her to maintain leverage over him.