There are few protections to insure access to quality health care or to maintain proper oversight and monitoring of complaints.
Blue Bell hopes it can cope with all this, partly by maintaining strict oversight on production, and still grow outside its regional base.
In exchange, architects leading a design build process maintain oversight of what gets built on behalf of clients, rather than ceding control to contractors.
The corporate office, for the most part, maintained oversight of operational issues.
The business, however, maintains day-to-day oversight and retains some responsibilities, such as making sure the workplace is free of discrimination.
Such cities rely on the private sector to provide public service delivery, while the public sector maintains oversight.
More crucially, the bank manager often maintains personal oversight over these borrowers.
We need to maintain democratic oversight and, indeed, build on our responsibilities in development and external actions.
In addition, he attempted to maintain oversight of the country's civil service to prevent it from inflating and consequently becoming a burden to the state.
The problem for legislatures in maintaining oversight and control has become particularly acute (Jacoby 1973, pp. 162-64).