And occupation designed solely to maintain and control Middle East resources.
As a result, Penn has no central area for religious worship; although, it does maintain adequate resources for religious students.
The responsibilities of the district include: overseeing land management, maintaining natural resources, and providing recreational opportunities.
Develops and maintains tools and resources for use by the postdoctoral community.
By the end of the 20th century, Cheraw had a balanced industrial base while maintaining its historic charm, architectural treasures and natural resources.
Non-English- stream schools were facing difficulties maintaining enrollments and resources while some faced the brink of extinction.
It also aims at raising awareness about permitted fishing and regulations to maintain marine resources.
College maintains qualified faculty and excellent resources.
It assists governments and environmental organizations in maintaining natural resources by sustainable use.
I am in favour of maintaining resources, among other reasons so that the sector can remain viable in the medium and long term.