An isolation hospital was built in the southwest part of the site and an existing farm bordering Horton Lane provided work for the patients and helped the asylum to maintain self-sufficiency.
By all indications, the imports will be on an emergency basis only and will not represent a change in Japan's basic policy of closing its rice market to maintain self-sufficiency in its staple food.
In the Benedictine spirit, the monks of Koubri attempt to maintain self-sufficiency by means of manual labor.
With Line traffic disrupted, Luna's ability to maintain self-sufficiency may be severely tested.
The campaign specifically encourages residents to be prepared so they can safely oversee their own evacuation and maintain self-sufficiency for a full three days after an emergency.
China saw genetic research as the way to maintain basic self-sufficiency in staple foods and get the most from its arable land, which is already scarce and is shrinking every year.
They said other countries demanding that Japan import more farm products did not realize the importance of Japan's maintaining self-sufficiency.
"It has always maintained its independence and self-sufficiency."
Industry was high enough to maintain self-sufficiency without becoming a burden on the environment.
Until now, Japan has said that it needs to protect its farmers to maintain self-sufficiency in its staple food.