He could maintain great stamina; however, he suffered a back strain in his debut Test from being over-bowled which plagued his career.
"It's not just Hamlet dying, but the actor putting his soul into the character - attempting to maintain stamina until the last breath - and dying every night."
"Apart from being fantastic exercise, it teaches you discipline to maintain stamina and weight."
Afterward, he said that maintaining stamina was his biggest immediate challenge.
Most of the doctors in the hospital took it daily to maintain their energy and stamina.
He had evidently made it a point to maintain his health and stamina, and it showed.
He skittered over Rodolfo's high notes like ice over a hot frying pan, and he had trouble maintaining vocal color and stamina throughout the evening.
Defenses may start to key on him, and there is the matter of maintaining stamina over an 82-game season.
Nearly all the players participated in team workouts during the strike to maintain muscle tone, timing and stamina.
Regular exercise to maintain stamina, strength and flexibility is vital to safe driving.