Show creator Terence Winter elected to portray a fictionalized version of Johnson, to give the writers creative license with history, and to maintain suspense.
Dennis Harvey of Variety said the film "does have an attention-getting plot hook, but piles on too many narrative gimmicks to maintain suspense or credibility."
The merit consists largely in Agatha's maintaining suspense about the small mystery of a name.
While the books maintain narrative suspense and develop a stylized surface, her readers also encounter ideas intrinsic to her theoretical projects.
While she works hard to maintain suspense, the reader's involvement is limited to cheering on the good guys, which soon grows tedious.
Both Patterson and eventual first runner-up, Angela Logan of Oklahoma were taped "winning" the pageant to maintain suspense.
Melville uses a common literary tactic to maintain suspense.
First of all, how do you maintain suspense in a story that had a conclusion known to almost every member of the audience?
Notice how skillfully Shakespeare maintains suspense up to the end.
Brennan excels at maintaining suspense in general.