Canadian newspapers pointed out that the Government maintains high tariffs on such items to protect domestic manufacturers.
Thus, local manufacturers will most likely strive to maintain tariffs and may succeed quite often.
Wealthy nations would be allowed to maintain higher tariffs for some of their most sensitive products, as Japan does with rice.
This landowning aristocracy required the Austrian state to maintain high tariffs against the cheap imports of raw farm products.
Most developed nations maintain controversial agricultural tariffs.
It criticized the island for moving too slowly in opening its financial services sector and for maintaining high tariffs and outright bans on farm products.
But the United States delegation said the plan still allowed Taiwan to maintain high tariffs on agricultural products.
Different constituents argued for opposite measures, often wanting to maintain tariffs on some items while reducing them on others.
The European Union, the United States, Japan, and many developing countries subsidize domestic production and maintain high tariffs on imports.
Brazil, however, maintains tariffs of more than 30 percent on cars, many types of machinery and telecommunications equipment.