To begin with, this institution had an annual admission of 50 students, which the institution maintained till 2012.
He had close ties with Johnson before his navy days and maintained them till the president's death in 1973.
He continued to play tennis until 3 days before his death, and maintained a high level of function and complete independence till the end.
A school for boys was established by the friars in 1682, which they maintained till 1712.
He was elected duke in 1726, but only managed to maintain himself by force of arms till the next year.
He maintained these jobs till 1909 during which time the couple had a son, John in 1906.
He was to maintain a high position at court till his death in 1701.
Sharma fails to maintain the zing till the very end though.
Sometimes dealing with difficult medical complications and chronic pain, he maintained a positive outlook till the end.
But they maintained their independence right till 1947.