Congregations practice the songs to maintain proper melody and uniformity during their religious meetings.
The crops of flowers, like wine grapes, vary according to soil and weather, and again like wine, must be blended to maintain uniformity.
The administration of all the libraries in different regional centers are centralized to maintain uniformity and easy coordination.
It was to maintain uniformity in design for speed.
Federal law states en banc proceedings are disfavored but may be ordered in order to maintain uniformity of decisions within the circuit or if the issue is exceptionally important.
Udaya I recorded judgments that were regarded as important precedents in the royal library in order to maintain uniformity in judicial decisions.
MIL-STD-129 standard is used for maintaining uniformity while marking military equipment and supplies that are transported through ships.
As a result, the plaza maintains uniformity with respect to its buildings' facades.
Section 97.012 (1) states that it is the secretary's responsibility to "[o] btain and maintain uniformity in the application, operation, and interpretation of the election laws."
Rehearings are rarely granted and Federal rules require them only in cases of "exceptional importance" or to maintain uniformity with rulings of the Supreme Court.