As with all astilbes, this one grows by a fibrous root system and it is important to divide it every three to four years to maintain vigor.
Proper pruning - removing any dead wood or crossed branches - can also extend the life of an old tree, and maintain vigor in a young one.
"Literally hundreds of colleges and universities are quietly developing new approaches that attract more students to science while maintaining vigor and quality."
Periodic burning, irrigation and various grazing systems are management tools are used on the refuge meadows to maintain vegetative vigor for nesting purposes.
His mother was a minister, and his father was a physician who nurtured him with a high-protein diet and food supplements that he later credited for maintaining his youth and vigor.
De vita, published in 1489, provides a great deal of curious contemporary medical and astrological advice for maintaining health and vigor, as well as espousing the Neoplatonist view of the world's ensoulment and its integration with the human soul:
Prune and deadhead rhododendron and other broad-leaved evergreens after blooming to maintain vigor; look for the irregular notching on leaf edges that is a sign of black vine weevils.
To maintain vigor and appearance, remove spent flowers of lilacs and rhododendrons.
Falling short on consistency, only the kitchen has been unable to maintain the zip and vigor that distinguished most of its preparations in the restaurant's opening days.
Dr. Amaranthus said the Japanese believe these mushrooms maintain health and vigor.