Possible problems during production are solved by 50 employed maintenance specialists.
Joseph L. Goodman, a vehicular maintenance specialist from Bellville who has been here since 1985, remembers when the dollar went farther "and you could do more for your family."
Most recently, in April 2012, the 157th EFS was formed and deployed with pilots, maintenance specialists and support staffers.
During the 1920s and 1930s, it produced the core of senior maintenance specialists for the Navy's communication equipment that "paved the way to United States world leadership in electronics."
He was engaged to Sonja Wolter, who was overwintering as a maintenance specialist at the base in order to be with him.
There were always engineers, shuttle pilots, cargo handlers, and maintenance specialists coming and going.
Being an environ- mental maintenance specialist, she knew the parameters.
By 23 September 1977, the wing provided Bitburg with 88 operational ready pilots, 522 maintenance specialists, and later trained an additional 1,100 maintenance personnel at Bitburg.
Essential personnel such as medical doctors, bus drivers, maintenance specialists, et cetera, are requested to carry on temporarily, until relieved.
He wore the yellow tabs of a maintenance specialist and the insignia of a major.