Beyond these columns there is the majestic architectural structures that the nature build up in the darkness by the passing of time.
Last year, despite the fact that completion of the majestic structure is nowhere in sight, it was designated a landmark.
A small, temporary chapel was also built to fill the Sisters' needs until a more permanent and majestic structure could be built.
The bridge's majestic structure attracts thousands of tourists every year.
Instead of a single majestic structure, it is made up of several buildings in a variety of styles, all spread through a dusty park.
It was a majestic structure of pristine white with a dozen columns gracing the front like slender ladies.
This establishment has been in existence since the 1960s, however the current majestic structure was officially opened in November 2002.
This majestic structure has beautiful palaces and an ingenious water supply system.
The buildings are imposing and majestic structures.
The turbolift ride to the top of the majestic structure was quiet.