Then you see the other end of it, patients that have pretty major anomalies and don't want to terminate.
They showed eight major anomalies that could have been Heechee warrens.
The record is not without a major anomaly.
Barlow's central role in the counter-struggle was one of the major anomalies of 1990.
Do a news search for me on the phenomenon I just described, or any other major net anomalies.
Here is a major anomaly: There is a total contradiction when it comes to welfare.
She told the synthesizer to match genomes and snip out any major anomalies.
However, they found one major anomaly: the Class-M planet shown in the database was missing.
It is already a major anomaly that the building sector is the main profitable activity in our part of the world.
About 3 percent of all babies have what is called a major physical anomaly.