In the cradle of the Renaissance, whether a major artwork should be cleaned, restored or left untouched is invariably the stuff of intense debate.
"It was kind of a major artwork," she remembered.
Lehman began collecting major artworks in 1911, the bulk of which he willed to his son Robert.
Noah Charney hasn't stolen a major artwork, as far as is known, but he gives it lots of thought.
In that way, we could have temporary exhibitions of major artworks from a variety of museums.
"Vacation from Reality" is the anthology of his major artworks up to 2007.
Sotheby's has used the guarantee to win consignments from museums, estates and owners of major artworks.
Here, birds have a far broader symbolic function, and have long been the subject of major artworks.
You walk into the HQ of a big company and they've got major artworks in the lobby.
A lot of the American money is going into major 20th-century artworks.