But that did not seem to deter the major booksellers, who offered similar reasons for plunging ahead.
The release date was planned to be March 23, 2010; however, some major booksellers started selling copies on March 19, 2010.
Economic survival for independent stores is especially acute in the book industry, where online sales have almost doubled since last year, according to several major booksellers.
It is out of print but used copies are still available from major booksellers.
But ambushing the chairman of a major bookseller after a shareholders meeting was not the initial plan.
Brentano's and other Waldenbooks outlets generally offer a limited range of titles and services compared with major independent booksellers.
A major British bookseller sends potential customers to a neighboring independent bookstore.
I guess it's no big stretch that a major bookseller like Amazon would want to say, hey, we want to be in the eBook business.
It is published as an ebook by Outpost19 and is available at major online booksellers.
The guide is available at major booksellers and at hotel, museum and monument shops.