Opera in general - version 9 or 10 - looks like it doesn't do as well as the other major browsers.
It was used as a test-bed for new web technologies that were not supported in major browsers.
Safari was the only one of the major browsers to lose share.
So I just think, given that the major browsers are supporting it, we now have a standard, thankfully.
Nokia's web mapping service is available at here.com and it works on all major browsers.
It is the only major browser to include support for spatial navigation.
Funny that Apple is now the only major browser to have failed spectacularly to get the "tabs on top" design right.
Out of all the major browsers, only Opera has a fully working implementation that is enabled by default.
It was first added to the Fifth Edition, and is now supported by the major browsers given below.
This past month, all major browsers showed positive growth except for Internet Explorer.