William S. Cohen, the Secretary of Defense, announced a major buildup of air and ground forces in the region.
But the consequences of not so acting, after months of threats and a major American military buildup in the Persian Gulf, would have been even worse.
The uncertain world situation in late 1940s and early 1950s caused a major buildup of air defense forces in Alaska.
President Bush, for example, has signaled that he will soon propose a major military buildup, including financing for a national missile defense.
Well, this is the major buildup that viewers can look forward to before the refreshing Season 2 kick-starts.
The major buildup of civilian special agents began with the Korean War in 1950, and continued through the Cold War years.
But Iran, which had responded to the diplomats' disappearance with a major military buildup along the Afghan border, appeared in no mood for swift forgiveness.
Nevertheless, progress is being made; since the late 1990s there has been a major buildup of new high-efficiency generators.
When the major defected, he brought documents showing agreements between the Sandinistas and the Soviet Union to continue a major military buildup here until 1995.
That's a neat formulation, which seems likely to produce a major buildup in conventional arms.