In 1996, he had a major comeback with his album "Bevilacqua".
Bc4, this older main line made a major comeback.
But those accomplishments did not hide how close Orlando (10-15) was to pulling off a major comeback.
In the 2004 regional elections, the Socialists had a major comeback.
While it's probably naïve toexpect a major comeback, some listeners have had enough.
On the surface, John seems totally helpless, but in reality, he's been staging a major comeback for months.
By the 80's, though, sci-fi had scored a major comeback on the movie screen, if not on television.
Can he lead this party in what is now a major comeback from the polls?
It was Morrissey's first single in seven years, and considered a major comeback.
It was seen as a major comeback for the species and a success for conservation efforts.