The night ultimately passed without any major counterattacks taking place, permitting the Canadians to consolidate their positions.
EU forces supported by US troops are now in ready for major counterattack.
The Iraqis, despite repeated major counterattacks, were unable to dislodge the invaders.
In late April, the Chinese launched a major counterattack.
Meanwhile, Rommel had decided to make two major counterattacks using his fresh troops.
By midnight, artillery and mortar fire bombarded the area starting another major counterattack by the Japanese.
It was her turn, but she hadn't the belly for major counterattack.
As for Kuribayashi, it is generally thought that he committed suicide by leading the last major counterattack.
But the Chinese mounted a major counterattack at 0400 hours.
The next 30 hours saw four major counterattacks against a sole company, critically low on supplies and out of water.