The worries of traders and investors were little changed from last week, but they become more pressing as the Treasury's major financing draws nearer.
But a lack of any major financing or party support, he said, can take its toll.
Some protesters say firm guarantees of repair of any environmental damage and major financing for new cultural facilities would satisfy most complaints.
The major financing for the Markham Harris Resorts worldwide hotel chain?
And the effort received major financing from Lilco and Brooklyn Union.
To go forward on the scale that scientists like Dr. Watson want, however, major Congressional financing will be necessary.
A small amount of construction was started, but obtaining major financing for the canal continued to be difficult.
Apart from moving to a larger farm with 1,500 acres to accommodate his growing herds, Mr Wilson has not previously needed major financing.
The state's next major public financing is expected in April, after completion of the fiscal year 1988 budget.
Furthermore, this project needs major European financing, and this is not going to be easy with European defence cuts.