A major firefight breaks out at the arms dump between the detectives, their support, and Travis' men.
We watch what we're doing and don't get bogged down in a major firefight, we should be okay for several hours.
But Felix and his men hadn't come prepared for a major firefight.
It might not be a major firefight in a jungle somewhere, but it was very possible bullets would fly and men would die.
It took no more than a minute or two before it had crescendoed into a major firefight.
A shot was discharged during the struggle (unclear whether from the pistol or by another weapon) and a major firefight erupted.
Inside the cave a major firefight had started.
Marines surrounded the house attached to the mosque and a major firefight erupted.
During initial airmobile assaults on 7 March, communist resistance was light and no major firefight resulted.
"We should not be surprised if one of these days we wake up to find there's been a major firefight or a major terrorist attack."