A major grievance, she said, was an order by the academy's secretary banning members from taking leave of absence without pay.
Over the last four years, meanwhile, their major grievances have been taken care of, one by one.
As a minority, the Tamils have major grievances that must be addressed.
The colonel had a major grievance against the U.s.
In all of the colonies except Delaware, the Acts were considered to be a "major grievance".
Mr. Guo said he had no major grievances against the government.
This had been a major grievance amongst the Lincolnshire organisations.
White officers, however, received the leave, causing a major grievance among the enlisted men.
Stringent limits on emigration in general remain a major American grievance against the soviet union.
One of their major grievances had to do with the tax burden imposed on them to support the king's wars.