Gaetano Marzotto (1894-1972) was a major Italian industrialist who had utopian social ideals and did his best to put them into practice.
This ethnic minority has been home to major industrialists worldwide.
He is also regarded as the first major industrialist of the state.
He was among those major industrialists who built then-fashionable conglomerates of disparate companies through acquisitions in the 1960's and 1970's.
Mélikoff's ancestors had been major industrialists in Baku, but she was born in the Russian capital.
The NTA should not be a club for major industrialists who dictate the agenda to politicians behind closed doors.
That some sort of alliance was forged among the major industrialists of the world.
A delegation of major industrialists met with the Prime Minister today to discuss barriers to trade.
He said he believed that multinationals and local major industrialists must be controlled to protect entrepreneurs.
Any of the major industrialists could take that bolt.