Surely someone would pay to know about such a major infestation of criminal sooners ... no offense.
Africa's last major infestation ended in the early 1960's.
The last major infestation of the two caterpillars was in 1991 and 1992.
It is a serious pest species with a broad host range and has caused major infestations in Vietnam and Thailand.
The cottony masses multiply and a major infestation of mealybugs results.
As colder than average for the season and with greater than average rainfall, there was a major infestation of tomato plants, specifically in the eastern states.
A major infestation is almost certain to occur at some time or other, and you must then decide how to control or eradicate it.
"This is a major infestation that is not being taken as seriously as it should be," he said.
(Small cotton farmers in states such as Mississippi and Alabama suffered similar problems from the first major infestation of the boll weevil.)
We had a major infestation.