At least 22 major new laws are being drafted, apparently with the aim of easing foreign investment and economic growth.
The end of the legislative session came June 22 and went with no major laws being passed.
And during that period, from 1997 through 2001, the Legislature held public hearings on less than 1 percent of the major laws it passed.
So are some of the major law firms in New York.
Setting out, under the guise of this war, to overturn every major law protecting the American environment.
Two major federal laws have been passed in the last half century that limit the use of land significantly.
All of the major laws impacting energy are available from the Division's website.
It also has not yet enacted any major new laws, despite promises to do so.
The other major economic law that was passed unified the tax rates of foreign and domestic corporations at 25%.
It may take three full election cycles to dismantle the major environmental laws, Arnold says.