He said the city was involved in a court case to try to close "major loopholes" in the regulations.
"This seems to be a major loophole," she said.
The original Senate ethics bill included looser restrictions and major loopholes.
But there are also three major loopholes in the spending-limit rules.
The other major loophole illuminated during the campaign concerned the amount of money candidates may write off for complying with the law.
The exemption of private gun transfers from the waiting period is a major loophole.
The bad news is that your defense lawyers have lost a major loophole.
Shoreline laws now contain major loopholes, and communities often compete for protection programs.
"The minimum square footage requirement is a major loophole in an otherwise good program," he said.
The commission thinks the agreement, due to be replaced in October, has a major loophole, however.