"If you talk to any major marketer, this is very much their mantra."
The rebound will come, the forecasters said, as major marketers in categories like cars, entertainment and packaged foods continue to increase spending.
It has been aggressively seeking a major marketer of electricity and natural gas across the country as the industry is deregulated in the United States.
"All the networks are talking about wanting to get a bigger share of the budgets" of major marketers, he added.
The Guardians had their hands full just trying to keep tabs on the major black marketers; people who made referrals were almost completely ignored.
You are known to have had dealings with some major black marketers here in New Armstrong.
In the "Just wait'll" campaign, Hanes was one of the first major marketers to present several stars, rather than one person.
Before the episode ran, many major national marketers that had bought commercial time during previous seasons of "Survivor" said they would not return.
There has been anxiety over the plans of the major automotive marketers, because the auto category typically accounts for more ad spending than any other.
And they did, surprisingly effectively, by aiming a succinct message at major marketers: discrimination, against anyone, is bad business.