A major technical misstep in 1970 led to financial difficulties and the eventual sale of the company to Garcia in 1973.
This administration has made a series of missteps both major and minor; this looks like another one.
Most participants in the album's recording admit that it was a major misstep for Kiss.
One begins to suspect a major misstep in his development.
Katz's only major misstep is his tendency to overgeneralize.
Mark Pryor, 39, has buttressed his name, at least so far, by running a steady campaign free of major missteps.
However, in November 1960, Holt made one of the few major missteps of his career.
He executed the maneuver but could not control his landing, falling backward for an instant, a major misstep in a judged sport like aerials.
Another major misstep is the prominent character played by Willem Dafoe.
In hindsight, it was also a major misstep.