Tombecbe was a major French outpost and trade depot among the Choctaw, the largest Native American group in the colony.
The 503rd's deployment helped force the Japanese evacuation of a major military outpost at Lae.
The city then became a major outpost for anarchist movements.
"The dots represent major military outposts, airbases, space launch facilities, and nuclear power plants."
During and following the American War for Independence, the British began to use the island as a major naval outpost.
Once, this was a major outpost of Catholicism, with the country's first cathedral west of the Allegheny mountains.
There were other pockets of resistance in other major outposts.
Rescue systems are well coordinated in resort areas and major scientific outposts; though Comtex has not yet made a commitment here, surely the engineers came equipped.
In Vienna, another major outpost of the movement, the firm Coop Himmelblau has built several small projects.
The most common namesake is the French city of Vienne, which was a major Roman outpost.