There were more ominous signs that the current crackdown in China might turn into a major purge.
Then, when Nikita S. Khrushchev "was planning a major purge of the party," he said, "right-wingers jumped first."
Saddam Hussein's ascent to the Presidency in 1979 was followed by a major purge.
In order to curb the crisis, the Ukrainian Party was subjected to a major purge, during which pro-autonomy opposition was removed from its ranks and the former leaders were reinstated.
The official who mentioned the American role said, "There is a major purge going on."
In October 1938, Bonnet carried a major purge of the Quai d'Orsay, sidelining a number of officials opposed to his policy.
The final decision was that the party would accept Sar's first major purge.
While relations were good at the beginning, Daoud began a major purge of leftist influence in the mid-1970s.
I advise y'all to go for the major purge before departure, to avoid the honey bucket.
The failed coup was followed by a major purge of Hutus in the armed forces.