Third, we would never allocate fact finding to 12 randomly selected individuals whose major qualification is that they know nothing about the matter in dispute.
After the first Indian "talkie" film was released in 1931, the ability to sing became a major qualification when selecting actors for movies.
Kuttner disagrees and remarks that his claim "cannot be considered correct without major qualifications."
The main aim of the Engineering faculty is to prepare specialists who apart from their major qualification could head enterprises and run businesses.
Another few billion goes to students whose major qualification is that their parents are divorced.
"Being good in bed is not the major qualification for a priestess."
On pages 3 and 4 we provide a summary of some of the major new qualifications recently introduced or under development in the following areas:
That self-control was a major qualification for a meet director.
He counts his experience on Capitol Hill as one of his major qualifications for the chairmanship.
A major qualification for the office, obviously.