Consequently there are at least 8 major refineries in the Wilmington area, many of them dating back to the original strike.
This official said the pipeline also delivered crude oil to at least one major refinery, whose operations had also been affected.
According to the company's website, its oil recovery products are on almost every major refinery with an underground oil spill.
Amoco shut some of its major refineries for maintenance in the first quarter.
He was also optimistic that major refineries would be able to increase output soon.
As of yesterday, 11 major refineries, accounting for 18 percent of the nation's total capacity, remained closed.
"We just reached a $20 million settlement with a major refinery, so we're moving ahead."
Most major refineries suffered serious damage and Iraqi engineers will need foreign assistance and parts to repair them.
Four major refineries are expected to remain out of service for at least the next several weeks.
Bid Boland is the site of a major refinery and natural gas distribution centre.