Discovered in 1889, all the major petroleum-gas reserves are in Upper parts.
In the 30 years following the initial discovery of 1914, oil companies spent over $150 million on exploration and development but found no major reserves of note.
The country has major untapped reserves of copper, cobalt and uranium.
The field contains major reserves hosted within highly fractured granitic basement rocks.
The Upper Assam districts are major reserves of oil and gas.
Some called for an official investigation that could lead to a court-martial for the rabbi, who was a major general in the army reserve.
The main nature-orientated facilities are on the major reserves.
Rabbi Goren, who 76, is a major general in the army reserves.
It contains major reserves of natural resources, especially oil, which are probably far greater than is currently estimated.
He was quickly convinced he had just tapped a major reserve.