A major thunderstorm hits Springfield, and Marge demands Homer to fix their leaking roof.
A major tropical thunderstorm had built up on the western side of the mountain.
On a hot summer night, shortly before a major thunderstorm, Miho slaughters Jackie Boy and his friends.
Between January and June, 43 major thunderstorms released nearly 1,600 tornadoes in the central, southern and eastern United States.
The old sign, which had been built at a cost of $5 million, was blown down during a major thunderstorm on July 18, 1994.
In the summers, days are hot and nights are warm with moderate rainfall by major thunderstorms.
The meteorological reports and figures, however, suggested that the general atmospheric conditions were "not conducive" to support the formation of a major thunderstorm in the region.
The invading army was harassed by major thunderstorms throughout the invasion, which aided the defenders by inflicting heavy casualties.
If we get a major thunderstorm, how much lightening can it take?
The night did not go without incident; a major thunderstorm had delayed travel from New York City to Washington.