In that, majority of revenue was generated by the ground equipment sector, with the least amount by the launch sector.
The majority of his anger is generated in endless battles with Vyvyan, which he invariably loses.
Misconfigured hardware and leaks from private networks form part of it but the majority is generated by computer viruses seeking new victims.
The majority of the nation's commerce is generated there, or passes through the city.
The majority of the electricity use is generated by the on-site renewables which has reduced energy bills to about £100/annum.
The majority of the company's business is generated from express road freight, which accounts for around 90 percent of total reveune.
The majority of the power would be generated by the largest on-site solar photovoltaic facility in the world.
The majority of cellular ATP is generated by this process.
Today, the majority of the company's profits are generated by the stores, which, designed to be stroller-friendly, have no stairs.
Even with singles available early at download stores, the vast majority of music traffic online is generated by people downloading free songs.