Often, the minority groups gets worse treatment as the majority member may be more rude to the minority member in an interview for example.
Minority-party members get about half as much money for offices, equipment and staff as the majority members.
Thus, in the absence of the chairman the ranking majority member of a committee would preside.
The Republicans shrugged, explaining that majority members run committees, so they need more room.
This statement has been frequently used by majority members to discount the experiences of women and people of color.
They see redistricting sections to help a candidate win, whether minority or a majority member, as immoral.
There were approximately 1,600 persons connected to agriculture, the vast majority members of the farm owner's family.
The Chair may accomplish this by recognizing two majority members for each minority member recognized.
Administration officials quickly denounced the report, which was issued by the Republican majority members of a special subcommittee.
These were considered minor committees, however, and not often sought by majority members.