The majority of records regarding the ship come from its transportation of the people who were to become known as Cajuns.
When volume 1 was published in the fall of 1960, the majority of classical records issued were monaural.
As a result, the majority of records and medals won by East German athletes still stand.
The majority of records on women's fashion during the medieval period come from the mid-fourteenth century onwards.
The carry-out groove of the fourth side did not fade to silence as was customary for the vast majority of records.
Five of the six were from autumn, whereas the overwhelming majority of records the committee continued to accept are from the spring/summer period.
But Congress did limit Clinton's rules to cover only electronic records--even though the majority of records are still on paper.
However, the vast majority of records, particularly before 1790, were held in the Four Courts.
In Great Britain this is a species where the majority of modern records are coastal, and inland records have declined probably due to habitat loss.
The vast majority of records released on the label were colored.