Strong majorities in both parties recognize what must be done.
Big Congressional majorities recognized in this case that more trade means more jobs.
And, the majority recognizes Grant's contribution to the fashion industry.
However, the majority of the supporters recognize and acknowledge the hard work he did for the team.
A strong majority recognized the gravity of the housing shortage, with 74 percent calling it an extremely or very serious problem.
The majority of the people recognize it's a good place to live, and they want to stay.
Today the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future.
And that is simply because a clear majority recognise they have benefited under Chavez.
Because the condition is so rare, the majority of physicians have never seen it, and thus may not recognize it.
The Old Firm is a tough place to play, especially if the majority of your own fans don't recognise the good stuff that you do.