By the evening of 21 August 1944, the vast majority of the German forces remaining in the Falaise Pocket had surrendered.
The majority of the defenders surrendered on 5 January and the Australians took 40,000 prisoners.
After burning the Division's records, Müller and the majority of his men surrendered to the allies at Schwerin.
The majority of them surrendered or were captured by Serb forces.
By 1881, the majority of the Sioux had surrendered to American military forces.
While a few escaped, the majority surrendered, and three were killed.
Although Hitler had finally given permission for evacuation, the majority of soldiers were unable to escape in time and surrendered and went into captivity.
The majority of the Turkish forces in the region either surrendered peacefully to the Greek Army, or fled to the countryside.
On May 1, progress of the fortifications had ended, as the majority of Confederate forces had already surrendered.
The majority of the positions and their garrisons finally surrendered on 27 June 1940, the remainder on 2 July.