Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Both projects were majorly funded by members of the community.
Apart from that Boat is majorly used to reach here.
The station was majorly rebuilt from 1998 and opened in 2000.
In the end, the game received mixed but majorly good reviews.
A state tax and a series of federal regulations majorly slowed business during the 90s.
We'd like to experience culture and not majorly commercialised places.
Since its establishment, the route has not been majorly adjusted.
It is majorly known for stores of traditional Indian dresses.
I refuse to succumb to the fact that there's something majorly wrong.
"Somehow, I have the feeling our priorities got majorly out of order somewhere."
It is majorly attended by medical students from Maharashtra state.
The movie Student of the Year was majorly shot in this campus.
Their music has been defined as having catchy tunes and are majorly based on love.
Majorly catering to dependents of the local American embassy and other international students.
Older people are majorly exposed to diseases induced by air pollution.
Humans have been majorly uninvolved in anything except what is happening on Earth.
"I remember once when I was majorly depressed for, like, six months.
It affects the local economy majorly, and many downtown shops were closed consequently.
The route through Missouri is majorly flat and somewhat tedious.
Rice and Sugarcane are cultivated majorly, irrigation is done by well.
Football and table tennis are sports majorly played and watched by students.
The bowl of the lake fill majorly two streams.
There's something majorly weird going down around here and I've never been keen on being strip searched.
But in the end, it's still a vocal minority, and majorly media-driven.
All Buffy had was a weird, majorly dangerous job whose pay stank.