"She makes the cake for my birthday, Valentine's Day and Christmas," Hall said.
If we take more than fourteen days on the turn-round we'll make Christmas here.
In the finale he apologizes, restores his friendships and makes Christmas right again.
They had no plans, and Shelby felt pressure to make Christmas festive for her son.
Luckily, much of the best has been saved for last, making Christmas a busy season for solidly interesting films if not for great ones.
That's how my father made Christmas.
Start a new tradition (an annual walking weekend, making Christmas puddings in October)
My heart is more moved (and sometimes horrified) by those who make Christmas in the image of who they are and where they live.
She had made Christmas for us because she liked to celebrate it as it was celebrated in the home of her childhood.
From what I saw three days ago, he won't make Christmas.